RC Must Knows

RC Must Knows

  • UofT’s Academic Success Centre for tailored learning supports
  • To request accommodations due to sickness or emergency in a course, check your syllabus for how to handle it; if not covered, report absence on ACORN & speak to your professor/TA about possible accommodations (in exceptional circumstances, you may need to file a petition with your college registrar, so be sure to have supporting documents like medical notes ready!)
  •  Khan Academy for Economics & Finance Tutorials
  • Need to fulfill breadth requirements? See the calendar and use its BR filter to find courses! Many upper year RC courses also fulfill BRs
  •  UofT Libraries’ Repository of Past Exams
  •  Want to book an on-campus study room? No problem!
  • OneNote over Word for Note-Taking!
  • Trinity Library has the coziest studying places
  • Go on an International Exchange to fulfill your UofT course requirements at another university of your choice!

  • UofT’s Job Posting Board
  • You can change your Public Profile URL on LinkedIn
  • When networking, ask for LinkedIn instead of business card/email (it’s super professional 🙂 )
  • When attending events, put schedule behind your name card
  • Store your name tags close to your business cards so you don’t forget either

  • WO basement has a phone charging station
  • Pull on the tap in WO basement to reveal outlets
  • You can send documents to print to a library from your computer
  • Handy to keep a HDMI-to-VGA converter when connecting to projectors (WO basement only has VGA)
  • International students can get transition & Visa advising from Centre of International Experience (go to Appointments > St. George Centre for International Experience)
  • You can borrow headphones in Robarts for up to 24 hrs
  • All UofT students have eduroam login (that they can use in other universities too!

  • UofT’s financial aid program (UTAPS) may cover gaps in your expenses and is available for full-time students who already receive the max amount of government aid. Students who have applied for OSAP are automatically considered for UTAPS (otherwise a separate application is required). UofT also offers emergency grants as a last resort tool to cover education-related expenses when other options have been exhausted.
  • Nearly $200 million dollars worth of scholarships go unclaimed each year, so use UofT’s award-explorer to see which you qualify for! 
  • Your University Health Insurance Plan (part of tuition) covers $100 per visit (for 15 visits per year) for psychotherapy/counselling; $30 per visit (for 20 visits per year) for physiotherapy; 80% of your prescription drugs; $150 on eyeglasses, contact lenses & eye exams every 2 years; 60-70% of dental; and MORE!
  • If total cost of digital learning resource(s) by which assessments are derived exceeds $65 per half-credit, your professor must offer an alternative method of assessment as an option (find out what other guidelines your professors must follow here)
  • Sept 1 is Fall/Winter Session Pay/Defer Deadline for RC students, but if minimum fee to register/tuition is not paid/deferred, any outstanding ACORN account balance is subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5% compounded (19.56% per annum), billed on the 15th of each month or the first business day right after 15th)
  • Metro has student discounts on Tues & Wed
  • Mercurios & Shoppers have student discounts on Thurs
  • Exchange Cafe has a $10 buffet every Thurs
  • Students get free access to Office Suite
  • Students can sign up for research studies in the MBA basement & get paid
  • Free ROM access for UofT students on Tues
  • Free pancakes every Wed 12:30-2:30 at Woodsworth (for all students)
  • National Post & Toronto Star are delivered daily to RC (find at top of yellow staircase)

  • Doodle/When2meet for easy meeting/event scheduling (you can synch Doodle to your google calendar too)
  • Check out RC’s sports teams!
  • Information about all clubs here
  • Physical & mental health are important! Health Services here
  • Free Access to Criterion-on-Demand as a UofT student (has over 15,000 films, including recent Hollywood blockbusters, in multiple languages)